Monday 11 April 2011

Wraped narative

Ray's muscle is aching. He had been lying in the ditch for almost a hour, crawling on his stomach. "Why does these mosquitoes like my arm so much?" he muttered to himself as more mosquitoes landed on his arm. In his hand was one of the well known Airsoft sniper rifle, accurate up to 500 feet, guaranteed. The gun had cost him more than a hundred dollars. He was playing the role of the sniper in this Airsoft scenario.The main job at the moment is to make sure no enemy gets past him. But the job seemed fruitless: he had not seen any moving person since he got there.

Suddenly, a movement in the distance caught his eye. He peered down the scope of his rifle to take a better look. What he saw was different from what he had expected. A giant praying mantis was looking back at him through the scope. When he looked up again to remove the little creature from his gun, he found that he had traveled back in time to his child hood, looking at a praying mantis with a magnifying glass. The creature looked back at him, as though trying to say something. It wiped it little head again and again with its claws, as if wiping away sweat. The creature looked incredibly complicated, yet extremely fragile; a slight squeeze between his forefinger and thumb would maim the little creature forever. Somewhere close by a dog barked. And the surrounding silence made the bark sound like a big bronze gong. Ray jumped at the sound, and the praying mantis took that moment to escape. Ray sighed. "Whatever," he thought "there are millions more out there. I can always find another one." He then went on his computer and surfed away online. After surfing the internet for who knows how long, Ray opened a game that requires a lot of computing power (for a game anyway). The dinosaur that Ray was surfing on froze. Technologies made for ten years ago is too weak to handle today's work load. Ray stared at the screen, waiting for it to come back to life. Unconsciously, he dozed off.

Ray woke with a start. He had dozed off in biology class again. Ray didn't really like biology, since all the organic stuff is confusing, and no one knows exactly how everything works. "Alright class, I want to introduce you guys to our new class pet." Said Mrs. Hamzeh as she held out a small light green creature on a PetriDish. It was a praying mantis.

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