Friday 18 March 2011

American and war

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Banned Literature

 People write to express their ideas. Some of the ideas are good, others controversial. When books and other literatures are banned, it is often because they contain controversial ideas, or it provoke a strong reaction to its readers. However, it is important to note, that not all controversial ideas are bad ones. It is merely an alternative for something. One can choose to ignore it if they find it too offensive. When a piece of literature provokes a very strong reaction from its readers, it usually contain an element of truth within its attack on the subject.

Literature should not be banned merely because it presents controversial ideas or it provokes strong emotions from its readers. It is merely presenting an alternative view to a subject. Or it is the playground of a madman, who write to tell the world of his outrageous ideas or crazy thought experiments. Or the book is written with the intention of provoking strong emotions in the first place, reacting strongly to the content of the book is exactly what the book is designed to do.

Books that presents controversial ideas test the firmness of our own values. Because everything in the book is so bizarre, we have to rely on our values and morals to tell us what is right and what is wrong.

Books that provoke strong emotions should be carefully analyzed and the source of the strong emotion found. For a book to cause strong emotion, it must have spoken out loud of an unspeakable problem, which is denied by millions and goes against the basic ideas of the people. For a statement to be felt like that, it must be very powerful, hitting where it hurt the most. It probably contain many elements of truth, each by themselves is very damaging. When combined together, they form a giant ball of hurt. These statements should be taken seriously, as they represent a fundamental flaw within what we were told and what is actually true.

Books should never be banned on account that they present controversial ideas or they evoke strong emotions.