Monday 28 February 2011

Vonnegut wisdom

"Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward." --Kurt Vonnegut

This quote signifies that Vonnegut has a optimistic personality. He would rather laugh than cry. We can see this in his novel Slaughter House five. Vonnegut was in Dresden when it was fire bombed. And he had to clean up the corpses after the bombing. After a firestorm, the flesh on people's body is probably cooked, and the body probably fell apart as soon as it is moved. So Vonnegut was probably forced to look at bloody human gore. But he decides not to cry about that, instead, he write a book about it, and fill the book with humor. I think that humor is the way the Vonnegut deals with the sadness and horror of war.

Fate or Freewill?

There are many believers of fate and freewill. One group argues that everything that happens in the world has been planed ahead of time by some powerful entity. The other group thinks that everything happens in this world is happening on it own, and every little event that occurs has a impact on the future. physics has a neat way to supporting fate.

Suppose that you have a twin brother or sister, born a few mintues before or after you. And you both live your life happly. Now imagne that on your twentyth birthsday, your twin want to go off into distant galaxies and explore; he or she leaves on the day of your twentyth birthday. After twenty years on earth, on your fourtyth birthday, he came back, landing in your back yard. The door of the space ship opens, and out comes your twin, Only a few years older than when he or she left. We can all see here that she or he, in some sense, has time traveled into your future. This has been proven by NASA, but with subatomic particles, and the time difference is only a few microseconds rather than years.

If we take the example at face value, then we see that the principple of fate is how nature works. If time is indeed a vector, then we can go forward and backword in time, and therefore fate is a posibility.